The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Filmen "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" er en 133 minutter lang musical / comedy / western fra 2018, instrueret af Joel Coen og Ethan Coen. I hovedrollerne ser vi Liam Neeson, Zoë Kazan, James Franco, Tim Blake Nelson og Danny McCarthy.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
- Instrueret af: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
- Ledende roller: Liam Neeson, Zoë Kazan, James Franco, Tim Blake Nelson, Danny McCarthy
- Skrevet af: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
- Kinematografi: Bruno Delbonnel
- Musik: Carter Burwell
- Titel: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
- År: 2018
- Genrer: Musical, comedy, western
- Varighed: 2h 13m
- Størrelsesforhold: 1.85:1
Alle deltagere
Vi har oplysninger om 35 personer, der har arbejdet på "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs". En komplet liste kan ses nedenfor.
Instrueret af
Skrevet af
- Alejandro Patiño ... Cantina Bartender (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Bill Heck ... Billy Knapp (segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled")
- Billy Lockwood ... Father (segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled)
- Brendan Gleeson ... Clarence (segment "The Mortal Remains")
- Clancy Brown ... Curly Joe (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Danny McCarthy ... Curly Joe's Brother (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- David Krumholtz ... Frenchman (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Doris Hargrave ... Boarder (segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled")
- Grainger Hines ... Mr. Arthur (segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled")
- Harry Melling ... Harrison (segment "Meal Ticket")
- James 'Scotty' Augare ... Comanche Chief (segment "Near Algodones")
- James Franco ... Cowboy (segment "Near Algodones")
- Jonjo O'Neill ... Thigpen (segment "The Mortal Remains")
- Liam Neeson ... Impresario (segment "Meal Ticket")
- Matthew Willig ... Cantina Scum (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Michael Cullen ... Judge (segment "Near Algodones")
- Mike Watson ... Posse (segment "Near Algodones")
- Paul Rae ... Impressario (segment "Meal Ticket")
- Prudence Wright Holmes ... Boarding House Landlady (segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled")
- Ralph Ineson ... The Man In Black (segment "Near Algodones")
- Richard Bucher ... Posse (segment "Near Algodones")
- Sam Dillon ... Young Man (segment "All Gold Canyon")
- Saul Rubinek ... René (segment "The Mortal Remains")
- Stephen R. Estler ... Gambler (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Stephen Root ... Teller (segment "Near Algodones")
- Tim Blake Nelson ... Buster Scruggs (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Tom Proctor ... Cantina Bad Man (segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs")
- Tom Waits ... Prospector (segment "All Gold Canyon")
- Tyne Daly ... Mrs. Betjeman (segment "The Mortal Remains")
- Zoë Kazan ... Alice Longabaugh (segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled")
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